More than 365 million Christians suffer persecution and discrimination. Will you stand with them?

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World Watch List

The World Watch List is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

Levels of persecution:
  •   Extreme
  •   Very High
  •   High
View country profiles
2024 ranking
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Last year Open Doors was able to support millions of persecuted Christians around the world.

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Prayer and praise

Please pray
Pray for everyone affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria - for survivors to heal from trauma, for mourners to be comforted and for relief aid and hope for those who have lost so much.
Give thanks
Praise God that survivors and families from the Sri Lanka church bombings of Easter 2019 have been compensated - pray that the perpetrators would be brought to justice and thank God that no further church bombings have happened in Sri Lanka since.
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